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Monday 15 June 2015

Makeover Madness!

This week starts Week 1 of the #tptsellerchallenge and I am SO excited!! I have been getting so excited for summer and this is a great way for me to start working on my store. Revising some of my products (specifically old, ugly product covers) is something that I've been desperately needing & wanting to do! But, I have been focusing on creating new products and haven't had the time for any revisions! Here is one of the products that I chose to makeover!

I also added another token page.  Now you and your students have more choices for their tokens!
And the best part?! This product is free for the next 72 hours!!! Click the picture above to go to the product, or just go to my store HERE!

And don't forget to enter our Blog Redesign Giveway!  It ends on Friday, so don't miss your chance to win!  Click on the picture to enter!!!


Recommendations by Engageya