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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Work Basket Wednesday!

Happy Hump Day!  I am excited to participate in my first Workbasket Wednesday Link-Up hosted by Christine Reeve at www.autismclassroomnews.com!  To see all of the other link-ups, click on the picture below.  Today, I am going to show you some Valentine's Day themed tasks that I made for students to complete during their independent work, or work alone time, as we like to call it!

Workbasket Wednesday at Autism Classroom News

After a quick trip to the Dollar Tree and Dollarama, I had all of the supplies I needed to make my Valentine's Day themed tasks!  It's amazing how many tasks you can make with just a few items!  I do have to admit that I may have gone overboard a little, but in my defence there were so many cute items!  First up are some cute bingo dauber sheets that I found on DLTK-Kids that make simple workbasket tasks when use you pompoms with them!

Next, I made these simple put in tasks with pompoms, foam heart stickers, erasers and table scatter.  The containers in the upper left photo are from the kitchen section section at The Dollar Tree and came in a package of two, as did the paint pots in the bottom right photo.  The other containers came in a package of ten.  They are small, but perfect for tasks like this!  

Next, I made some sorting tasks.  It is important to generalize skills, so I like to include a few different ways of doing one task to make sure that students have truly mastered the skill.  These tasks involve sorting by colour, size, colour and size and appearance.

I still had materials left, so I made some matching tasks!

That's it for today!  Thanks for stopping by and if you would more information on how I made these, or a downloadable file of the matching boards, please comment below, or send me an email!  I would love to hear from you!


  1. Thank you so much for linking up Nicole! I'm so happy to find your blog and look forward to reading more about you. I've pinned your images and will share on Facebook as well.
    Autism Classroom News

  2. Thank you so much for linking up Nicole! I'm so happy to find your blog and look forward to reading more about you. I've pinned your images and will share on Facebook as well.
    Autism Classroom News


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